RPGM - The Legend of the Hero of Edoriam [v0.2.5] [Pyrthenix]

  1. 1.00 star(s)


    Why is this game so overrated!? Talking about the script issue, it's really not that great - long, long, colourless and boring in prologue, not to mention suddenly sex after battle and lack of logical event.
    What a bad script! this game is not really excellent enough to stand on par with other 3-4 stars rated games on this site. it's only worth 1 star unless the situation improve much.
  2. 3.00 star(s)


    Like some others have mentioned, the potential is 5/5. The game, however, has several huge drawbacks that make me unable to rate it any higher than 3 at the moment. The biggest issue is what I view as a lack of polish. The RPG elements are extremely unfriendly. The maps are absolutely filled with enemies that respawn after 10 seconds, the escape option has zero I-frames which means that you can't run away since you'll be attacked again before your screen even shows the map again - meaning you have to hold run in a direction and hope you get away.

    There's also a lack of polish in other areas as well, like randomly some entryways need you to press the enter key to actually transition between areas while others are more normal with just needing to go to an area to move to the next automatically. I found the game was also somewhat laggy on most maps. There's a lot of potential with how the skill system has been set up, though this also does worry me because a lot of devs that are this ambitious end up just overextending themselves, becoming unhappy with the rate of progress and abandon the game after not receiving support since they don't make the actual content people are here to see.

    Overall I'd say with a significant amount of polish it'll be in a much better place, but as is it's not a great experience. This is especially so at the start. If they fixed the issues above by providing I-frames on escape and probably getting rid of 70% of enemies and making the respawn change to transitions between areas like most RPGM games the RPG aspects would be a much experience. Also change the transition requirement universally from some having to press the confirm key to just going to the edge of the map. With just those changes, I'd probably easily rate it 5/5 since it does have the makings of a great game.
  3. 5.00 star(s)


    More of a 4.5 but there is so much potential that I pick a perfect score.

    +Dialogue, very good grammar (I've only seen a few mistakes and for the amount of text there is that's impressive), conversations are fluid and not filled with one liners... though above everything else, the MC's inner voice during NTRS and NTR scenes is just *chef's kiss*.

    ++/- H scenes. Large amount of it, though a lot of it is fairly difficult to get (or will take a while) which I don't mind. Scenes and scenarios are hot but animations a bit simple and some are bugged, they will stop after playing a single time while others are fine and will keep playing. Not a huge deal but annoying. Still, I will say this section is positive for the most part.

    +/- Gameplay. Personally I enjoy RPGM gameplay for one reason and one reason only: the walk. The moment when you're going toward a sex scene and you hear your character's heartbeat, you spot a window you can peep in and you walk toward it, or you encounter a door with moans coming from the other side. I understand people find it boring but it makes the ntr genre what it is for me. Combat is, sadly, extremely basic. I've seen complaints about the balance but I disagree, the problem isn't the difficulty it's the tutorials. You have every tool to dominate fights but you're never told you have them (unless I missed it but I don't think so). Here are some examples:
    - gather plants, no one tells you to but they can be used to refill hp, mana and buff your party before a fight.
    - status effects, if you think bosses are too difficult there is a spell that freezes them for 2 to 5 turns or something. It's busted and makes single bosses a breeze.
    - character abilities are in a separate dimension you get access to by pressing A, along with the gallery. If you're wondering why the MC hasn't gotten any new moves in 30 levels, you gotta go there to unlock them. You can also check your wife's morality with C, the Harem with H and interact with your wife with Q.
    - buy gear, get the orb that gives 200 mp amongst other stuff, makes your life much easier.

    -- Bugs, really hope they get fixed because I'm pretty sure I encountered a gamebreaking one. Also the auto save is annoying, especially for after choices that aren't actually choices and tell you it's a WIP to then teleport you to your bed and boom autosave, you gotta do all of that again to see the other option which ISN'T a WIP (though some are both WIP which is dumb as hell, why is it in the game). Not taking a point away for bugs because the game isn't done but yeah they're annoying.

    Honestly a lot of potential, this deserves a lot more than a 3,5 star average.
  4. 2.00 star(s)


    As a developer this game makes me genuinely sad and upset because it has such an incredible amount of potential that is completely ruined by a single flaw.

    So first, the good:
    1. The development of the MC's feelings about having to share his wife is gradual but fast enough that you're not left playing for 2 hours just to see her barely be touched by someone but isn't so fast and immediate that you're left without a sense of fulfillment or buildup.
    2. The writing is very high quality, not the best I've ever seen but it is good enough that the story going on behind the sex is engaging enough even if the main characters feel pretty one dimensional and little overly "perfect waifu" material.
    3. The animations are a very nice touch, just enough to not be excessive but not so little that they don't do anything. Character models are also fairly attractive with well proportioned bodies.
    4. A variety of fetish options including what seems to be an evil path for the MC and netorare or netorase and maybe some true cuckolding sprinkled in.
    Two hours into this game with all of this I was absolutely loving it and was incredibly excited to keep going forward but then we get into the bad part which is the RPGM grind.

    The first two areas are not bad at all, I did not intentionally skip around monsters (despite the game encouraging you to do so by talking about hiding) as I knew I'd need to be leveling up going forward. I also made sure to take the time to upgrade my equipment and spells. However, entering the third area shows an absurd increase in enemy scaling, to the point where the base enemy mobs in the third area are nearly as strong as the last boss you fight. You can only fight two or three of them before having to retreat to town and rest or every use every single one of your consumables. Upon entering the boss area of the third stage (if you're doing an evil playthrough, or getting 'darkness alignment' as I believe the game calls it, you will be presented with a gauntlet of enemies to face which are near boss level encounters back to back to back and there at least five of them before presenting you with an actual boss that at my current level I was nowhere near being able to actually beat. You can go back to town inbetween each of these fights to rest but the walk back to town is an easy 5 minutes from here with no fast travel of any kind and no new events to see in town before you progress the story further.

    So basically it boiled down to, fight my way to near boss area, beat three mini bosses, walk all the way back to town, walk all the way back up, beat two more mini bosses, walk all the way back to town, walk all the way back up, realize that the final boss is going to absolutely shit stomp me and I'll need to do some horrible rpgm grind to beat it. Start doing math and realize it'll take me a solid hour of mashing forward on enemy mobs to be strong enough to beat this boss, and only just barely and still have no idea how much stronger enemies in the next area will be.

    Its incredibly disappointing because while the content of the rest of the game is easily B+ tier, the insane amount of grind is not anywhere close to being worth sitting through, rendering the rest of the content unaccessible.

    Even if this game had customized the rpgm combat system and given lewd events in the middle of combat the grind would still not be worth it.

    If the grind was reduced by a minimum of 80% on this I'd give it a solid 4.5/5 and would likely round my review up to a 5/5 but as it stands right now it's just a giant time waster and I feel the 2/5 I've currently left it may be overly generous.

    Reviewed as of v0.2.3.
  5. 5.00 star(s)


    Yoyoyoyooooooooooooooooooo, wonderfullllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll, this game is very promising. :giggle::giggle:
    This game has potential. I like how the diversity looks like and it has a decent plot.
    There are wide range of fetishes,,,,,,, including NNTTRR, vanilla, harem, virginity, romance, soft maledom, soft femdom, partially naked, etc.

    "Virginity" ;) ;) ;) ;) ;)
    "Partially naked"

    Oceans of bullllllllllllls emerges in it, the guy with “yellow hair”, Strong Orc, goblins, nobles, etc….They’ll emerge in front of us gradually.
    Oceans of big eyes stare at wifeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
    You’ve got to be got feeling of NTR. because, because, male protagonist and his wife they two have enough "sweet time" before got cuckolded. This is a soulllllllllllllllllです :ROFLMAO:
    all the ntr enjoyers must give “these NTR stories” a go.

    Vanilla player can play this game happily, toooooo. All the ntr things can be completely avoided by your choice. male protagonist’s able to become brave hero, resolving all ntr’s crisis, gaining “rewards” from female characters. Dating with female characters, saying some sweet nothings or pillow talks to each other. oceans of romantic interaction . It felt like playing “王道RPG” when you choose to do brave actions. (y)

    Characters are pretty good. This project is definitely something to keep your eyes on. :love::love::love:
    there's a lot here to look forward to, since this is the early stage of the game, i'm looking forward for what the dev-san has in store for us and the future of this game.
  6. 5.00 star(s)


    If you can get past the very long, boring and cringy intro you will get some excellent netorase and (netorare if you opt for) content
    I recommend editing the save to get OP and just skip the grind.
    The dialog is bad, but the scenes are great and make up for it.
  7. 5.00 star(s)


    This game has a LOT of potential, and in the state it is now, it still offers quite a bit of content for various kinks!

    -Pure Love

    Pyr, the dev, has mentioned even more will be added, such as pregnancy, and male domination.

    The sharing/cuckolding stuff so far is really great, which is the main reason I started playing the game in the first place! Seeing the MC's thoughts when he's watching Elisabeth be with another man is such a huge turn on. The writing around those scenes is REALLY well down, really getting into the details of how MC is feeling and the turmoil and pleasure he's feeling.

    Don't let the RPG Maker engine turn you off! Yes, it is RPG Maker combat, and it can be annoying and grindy sometimes. But the game has a skill tree, and is trying to be as legitimate of a JRPG as it can be within the confines of the engine. If Pyr had a huge budget, and this game were done in a better engine with more modern graphics, it would be a masterpiece of a porn game. :)

    Anyway, that's just my review. Try it for yourself and give it a chance!
  8. 1.00 star(s)


    dev comment " The game primarily focuses on netorase and corruption themes ...."
    no, I'm tottaly not agree
    the game "primarily focuses" on endless and unnecessary fights with mobs
    sorry, but after 2+ hours (with money cheat for portions) in game what i got:
    - one boss fight
    - HUNDREDS repetitive mob fights
    - 3 sceens
    - 0 NTR on witch"game primarily focuses"

    I really tried to play it, but stopped in nothern cave without understanding where to go and what to do (and extinguished torch, again - very immersive)
    probaly good, not sure, for RPG, but I think very bad for this site
  9. 5.00 star(s)


    What a game! The graphics are amazing! The story is engaging. A little grindy from time to time but you get the hang of it. Can't wait for what's to come. The love and NTR routes are amazing and well developed, hopefully we will get some more monster loving soon
  10. 5.00 star(s)


    I honestly wasn't expecting much but it turned out to be a very good game. The simplicity of the story makes it easy to advance the game and you don't get lost along the way, although the only bad thing is that sometimes it is difficult to discover the conditions to unlock a scene
  11. 1.00 star(s)


    A buggy craft. Dead lifeless world. Several idols standing still cannot be called life. Yes, the monsters in the locations look more interesting, although they are standard. Why mixed up the need to swing and fight if that's not what the game is about? Impenetrable bugs like black screen. In general: if you want combat and communication between kursnots, then FF8 is better; if it’s hentai, then any hentai.
  12. 5.00 star(s)


    Pretty hot scenes and fetishes imo, would recommend a save editor to make yourself overpowered so you can skip the combat which is your typical boring turn based stuff, there's a lot of walking as well so cheat engine speedhack is useful if you can put up with the crashing
  13. 5.00 star(s)


    A very enjoyable RPG with great fetishes
    It has everything I was looking for in a game like this
    It has harem if you like harems, it has femdom if you like femdom, it has NTR if you like NTR. It has Good combat, good and fun skills to use and level up and a good story so far (still in progress V0.16
  14. 4.00 star(s)

    Lorenze Malius Grandarc

    Enough to warrant a follow. Will need to see further developments to determine if the game is worth it.
    Review will be edited as the game progresses (for better or for worse). Hopefully the developer wont abandon the game and strive to continue it.
  15. 1.00 star(s)


    The developer seems to forget why people play these games and instead thinks we are here because we care about the backstory and world he has developed. The first hour of the game is boring RPG battles that you have to actually try to beat unless you cheat before they even start to talk about the meat of the story. Even after we got a trickle of corruption, they send us off again to another dungeon with more RPG mechanics. At that point I gave up on it, because I am not here to beat mindless RPG battles.

    Developer, less battles, less useless conversation, more sex.
  16. 2.00 star(s)


    These are the problems I was able to identify while playing through the early part of the game.
    1.RPGMaker's vanilla turn-based combat is one of the most boring parts of most adult games, and I always wonder if this element is necessary for some kind of obligation or extended playtime.
    2. The heavy slash skill is not 'heavy' at all.
    3. There is no delay in the enemy approaching you immediately after escaping from battle.
    4. Quest lines that lead to unnecessary movement.

    The H-scenes produced by Koikatsu aren't bad, but they're also nothing special. The storyline is common NTR. If enough scenes are added, it can be a good 'viewer', but the half-hearted gameplay is likely to hinder enjoyment.
  17. 2.00 star(s)


    Couldn't even bring myself to play past the first sex scene. That screenshot of the orc, with the ERP dialogue is 90% of the game. I don't know what gave the dev the idea that that was a good writing style for... anything really,, but it feels like watching to teenagers ERP'ing for the first time, TLDR dialogue and writing is cringe.
  18. 3.00 star(s)


    Let's keep it short, like is the content as of now.
    - The dev seems commited given all the writting already done
    - Level design suck BIG TIMES. Like final fantasy ONE bad.
    - Story and characters are way too bland. All of this writting to set so common world is infuriating really.
    - Quest sucks, standard delivery quest. And with that level design, please...

    Overall it even fail as a proof of concept cause i came for a porn game, and i litteraly spend almost two hours playing bland rpg, to finally arrive to the first relevant event and see the demo end just then. There's no mechanics around it, just "hey would u like to see that scene?". Honestly i can forgive a lot, and i try to be kind here, if you want to have soda, u don't get soup. If u wanna do a porn game, u don't do RPGs. If there's no point to smtg just don't do it.
  19. 3.00 star(s)


    This game is a bit of a mixed bag. It's clearly in its early stages of development, so I'll give it a bit of the benefit of the doubt when it comes to my rating. For those that are wondering whether the game is worth the time at the moment to play, well... I'm not that sure.

    From what I've gauged based on my runthrough of the game, netorare seems to be an overarching theme of the story as it is tied in to the critical plot points that the MC and his partner faces. So if netorare is a hard pass for you, then you should probably skip this game. There are non-NTR scenes as of v0.1.1, but for the grind you have to go through those scenes on their own aren't rewarding enough to justify putting in the effort.

    To put it simply, I'll quickly divide the pros and cons that I can see in this version thus far -

    Pros -

    - The worldbuilding is somewhat interesting and has potential. Key word on potential. The story can be somewhat captivating if it is more fleshed out in the future, and while it is still in its early stages the MC and his partner have some decent character development.

    - The manner in which the netorare content is structured along with how the MC and his partner navigate around it is nicely done. Many NTR games on this site take that fetish to all manners of different extremes way too quickly, but in this game both of the characters seem relatively grounded and approach it fairly realistically given the circumstances.

    Cons -

    - The combat mechanics, oh boy. This game is unnecessarily grindy in many ways. The worst part is that the constant combat scenarios you will inevitably face are also ultimately a breeze to go through. At no point in this game (bar to a brief extent one boss fight) is there any real challenge that you go through when it comes to combat. This is pretty unrewarding and somewhat annoying to deal with if you constantly have to face off against dozens of enemies just to get to one or two sex scenes.

    - As with many RPGM games, this game at the moment is filled with a whole lot of nothing. There is a relatively decently sized world map in which you can only traverse to three locations, and most of the NPCs are pretty poorly written to the point where several NPCS even share the same one line dialogue with one another. That comes across as pretty lazy and just a buzzkill to the experience because it just makes the game feel more empty.

    - Sex scenes are few and far between at the moment. Like I said, it's still early days but if you're looking to download this game to get that sweet reward then prepare for disappointment. The scenes that are there are not the worst and the animations are appreciated, but it's nothing special to look at.

    - While the premise of the story sounds decent, there are absolutely no interesting side characters in the entire game right now. The MC and his partner seem to be the only ones with any kind of fleshed out personality, everyone else is a background character that briefly appears and disappears in order to render a few lines of dialogue and move the plot forward, but nothing else.

    tldr : It's an NTR focused corruption game that offers a lot of potential but widely falls short of its mark in many areas right now. From the turn based combat to the lack of a comprehensive storyline to back up the large map it comes packaged with, Edoriam at the moment sums up all the typical problems that most RPGM games face when they try to be ambitious. However, with some work, it could still reach its potential.
  20. 1.00 star(s)



    ...Just no. So far it's straight up a cuckold ntr visual novel shoehorned into an rpg attempt. Run around killing monsters, gathering gold, exp., potions etc. But none of it matters, as there is no gear, items etc to buy with said gold, no upgrading your weapons and gear. The story is lacklustre and boring because there is NO choices to be made concerning alternate paths to achieve a goal. The story is STRICTLY linear to push the "wife cuckolding you and falling for another man" narrative. Just another boring cuck story and absolute rubbish as an rpg game.