Unity - Completed - Handsome Me with 100 Girlfriends! [v20240415] [philosophy♂]

  1. 1.00 star(s)


    Dear god i miss the person i was before playing this game, This is just an actual garbange Just like one in the rewiew its exactly like that game in a lot of forms.
    The Cg animations and animations are BAD the Va its jus BAD the gameplay it just doesnt do and its just BAD and if that were enought its has NOT STORY and still manages to be a gryndi game HOW. but well BAD GAME BAD WANK 0.1/10 not even worth to se on this page this shit must be deleted. (Sorry for my bad english)
  2. 1.00 star(s)


    I have reviewed tons of games and it's literally, my first time giving one star.

    If you were interested in the game, maybe you come from NTR Dojo. I came thinking that it would be similar to it. It was not.

    CGI is mediocre: 6/10
    Story: Inexistent 2/10
    Gameplay: Repetitive, similar to other games of the genre 6/10
    Personally, I can tolerate some grinding, if there's some kind of reward after it. In this game, I don't this is worth it.

    The game looked like it had potential. If this was an alpha or a beta, you could look over it, but It looks like it's completed, maybe with updates, it could be redeem, but I would'nt get my hopes up.

    Other consideratios:
    It uses AI to create it's images, again, if this was a placeholder to later be improved, ok, but it is not. The UI is copied from another game, tha game loop is copied from another game and the story is the only thing it's orignial, because there's only like 10 lines of dialogue.
    The UI positioning is also improvable, you may actually leave the game while triying to save if you missclick and the map sprites are messed up near the fence on the top of the map.
  3. 1.00 star(s)


    Actual garbage.

    Bad ai cg, traced art, stolen ui.

    It is a cashgrab made from stolen assets that are traced over. Nothing in this game except for maybe a portion of the story and the ai art is actually original.

    Do not give it a chance, it is so aggresively garbage it hurts.
  4. 1.00 star(s)


    This game deserves no stars, it's offensively bad and you shouldn't waste your time on it. Even I often play garbage games for my own amusement, I was done with this after 10 minutes and ended up being angry for it being such a shameless cashgrab. I didn't even purchase the "game"

    The bad:
    -AI CG of inconsistent quality
    -No content
    -A bare framework for gameplay but nothing works properly
    -Stolen assets from different games (The entire UI is taken from Dohna Dohna)

    The ugly:
    -Translation reads like 2012 JP-EN google translate, it's borderline unreadable
    -Dev is selling this full price as a complete game and is selling THE EXACT SAME game under a different name (look up " Unbeatable professional me with 100 girlfriends" )

    Devs that fumble and make not so good games but still make some effort shouldn't be lumped with this trash under the 1 star rating