Identify Flash game with amazing character customization

Julles Ra

Aug 12, 2021
I remember reading about this in a forum here, tho I can't seem to find it anymore, it's basically one of those games similar to CoC, LT, and the like. You start the game with the character customization first, there's the genders, what sort of genital and secondary sexual characteristics you have, body fat and muscle distribution (which includes breast size, thigh thickness, weight), and the basic stuff like height, hair length, hair color, skin color, eye color, traits, etc. The premise is that were stranded in an alien planet, not sure, we literally start in a crash landed ship. IIRC some monster can TF you, there's also that event where you encounter 2 parties fighting, the natives and presumably human(?), and you'll be given a choice on which side to help or just go on your own business. I also remember it being said that this game was on this site before but it's been removed or something, dunno why tho.

Julles Ra

Aug 12, 2021